Kencor, Inc. responds to your service call quickly because we understand the hardships caused by elevator systems in need of repair. Our skilled Certified Elevator Technicians (CETs) are on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and mobilize throughout the Mid-Atlantic region using a fleet of 60 equipped vehicles to minimize your equipment’s down-time.
When your elevator doesn’t work, your building experiences reduced access and criticism from visitors and occupants. Kencor, Inc. utilizes expert technicians and a diverse local inventory of replacement parts to restore your equipment to operation or improve performance. We also recommend you join Kencor, Inc. in a preventive maintenance agreement to lower costs, avoid unforeseen repairs, and raise your equipment’s functionality.
Kencor, Inc. welcomes new and existing customers to contact us with your repair needs, including before repairs are required. Choosing an effective repair package in advance further cuts elevator down-time and may prevent repairs altogether. New customers can also arrange for repairs without a service contract by sharing your contact information and placing a credit card on file.
Kencor, Inc. respects that our new customers include those who have never contracted with an elevator company and those who are dissatisfied with their current service provider. Our timely, informative, and capable solutions ensure not only that repairs are successful, but that we form and maintain long-term positive customer relationships.
We tailor our installation, service, and repair to your needs. Get A Quote!