What to look for when hiring an Elevator repairman

An elevator is a vital part of a high-rise building construction. With its high-tech construction, buyers must ensure that the unit is safe and efficient at all times. A good elevator installation and maintenance service is crucial to the safety of everyone. There are certain important factors to look for when choosing an elevator repair service.

Safety Expertise

In regards to an elevator, no one wants to be trapped in one that malfunctions or does not operate at all. Fixing an air conditioner is not the same as fixing an elevator. With a large, moving object, people’s lives are dangling by the thread. Customers of elevator repair services should look for experience and certifications. It is important to find service providers that follow regulations and are not known to cut corners. Customers must get the work done properly, even if the bill costs more than they expected in the end.


The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has rules for elevator workers who repair and inspect elevators. The right repair workers follow these regulations. There should be a mixture of services, such as repairs and inspections of electrical systems and safety equipment. Maintenance could include the cleaning and lubrication of different elevator parts every year.


Elevator repair companies have existed for years or decades. Long-existing companies should be considered first. The workers are usually proud of their accomplishments. They have a long list of customer reviews and references. The positive ones should exceed the negative ones. Although quality is not guaranteed, more experience usually translates to more results.

Elevator repair and maintenance usually does not fit into a do-it-yourself category. Even the property owner does not know all of the necessary information. Every elevator should come with repairs done every year instead of every decade. If not, the replacement costs will exceed the repair costs. However, taking chances with an elevator repair service is risky and unnecessary. A professional repair person is the only one qualified enough to work on an elevator. Kencor Elevator Systems has units that stand the test of time.