The do’s and don’ts of riding an elevator

Modern elevators had their beginnings in the 1800s. Since that time, elevator systems have become safer, more efficient and more prolific both in businesses and in residences. According to the Book of Odds, your odds of dying in an elevator accident in any given year are 1 in 10,440,000. Nevertheless, you should follow a few safety procedures when riding in an elevator.

Entering or Exiting an Elevator

Wait for the doors to open completely. After entering, push the button for your floor and then move away from the doorway. Do not place your hand or leg in between the doors as they are closing. People often do this to make the doors open again for another person, but if the elevator malfunctions, you could lose that limb or your life. When exiting the elevator, make sure the doors have completely opened and that the elevator has stopped.

Avoid Overcrowding

All elevators have a weight limit capacity. For your safety, this capacity should not be exceeded. Some ignore this, or are unaware of the capacity limits, and assume that an elevator will carry as many people as can be stuffed into it. This is not true, and the results could be serious.

Watch Children

Children are less likely to understand elevator safety rules. Keep them away from the elevator doors. Make sure they are standing next to you at the rear of the elevator during movement.

Stuck Elevators

If the elevator is stuck, try not to panic. Call for help – do not try to open the doors yourself.

Check for Maintenance

To ensure safe operation, elevators must be checked by elevator experts. The frequency of these checks depends on the elevator and its usage. Elevator maintenance includes replacing worn parts and applying oil. Contact Kencor Elevator Systems for your elevator maintenance and all other elevator needs.