Kencor Inc. Elevator Systems Named to Philadelphia Business Journal’s Best Places to Work in Greater Philadelphia 2018

kencor elevator systemsBest Places to Work in Greater Philadelphia 2018: The Medium-sized Companies

Welcome to the Philadelphia Business Journal‘s Best Places to Work 2018.

Each year, the Business Journal teams with Quantum Workplace to find the very best workplaces in our region. How do we come up with our list? The contest is based on employee surveys and contains various levels of safeguards to protect the integrity of the process.

Click on the gallery to see the Best Places to Work: The Medium-sized Companies.

Here’s how Quantum describes the process: While many awards programs remain subjective, ours has been scientific since day one. In fact, we were the first to utilize a full-blown employee engagement survey as the sole scoring mechanism. This is still the case today. Our survey was developed by some of the most brilliant minds in survey research methodology and organizational psychology, and we update it regularly to make sure it stays relevant.

For 2018, we had a record number of applications for Best Places to Work and every company included here had to reach a statistical benchmark to be included. It’s not an easy benchmark to meet.

This year, we’re revealing the Best Places to Work in four installments:

Special note: In this first reveal, the companies are presented in alphabetical order, not by statistical rank.

The top-ranking Best Places to Work in each category will be revealed at an Aug. 2 event at The Fillmore Philadelphia. Subscribers will have access to that ranking and much more information about our Best Places to Work winners online and in our Aug. 3 weekly edition.

So, stay tuned. There is much more to come.

Originally published here by