What regulations do I have to meet in order to own an elevator?
Elevator Systems are a great way to make a residence accessible to occupants who have difficulty negotiating stairs, but homeowners should be sure to conform to all applicable regulations. Elevators make mobility easier and accidents less likely and an elevator installed as a luxury feature can add considerable value to homes at the higher end of the market, but if they violate the law, they are dangerous to occupants and may cause liability issues. Elevator regulation in Salt Lake City falls under two authorities, but only one is necessarily applicable to homeowners.
The Administrative Code’s Elevator Rules
Elevator installation need not meet the stringent requirements of the Administrative Code Rule 616.2, which deals with general elevator safety, as long as they are installed inside a single family residence, and are not required to have a state certificate to operate the elevator. However, owners may choose to ask for an inspection. In any case, if the homeowner opts to apply for certification to operate even though it is not mandated, an inspection will be required.
The Building Code
While the Administrative Code is optional, installing an elevator does require the same building permit as any other modification to the structure. The contractor who installs the elevator will obtain the permit and schedule all necessary inspections. Homeowners should not be tempted to circumvent this procedure. If the owner does take out the permit, then the owner is responsible for the work being in compliance with the codes, even though a contractor actually did the installation. It is a good idea to politely make sure that the contractor has the permits required, though.
Complying with the law when installing residential elevators in not a difficult proposition. The contractor who installs the elevator should handle the permits and inspections. In any case, while new the home elevators do require a building permit, they need not be inspected to ensure compliance with the Elevator Rules of the state’s Administrative Code unless the owner chooses to do so or chooses to apply for a permit to operate the elevator.